Founded in 2006, the Brazil Institute seeks to foster dialogue on key issues of bilateral concern between Brazil and the United States, while advancing Washington’s understanding of the complexities of Brazil as a regional, democratic power and a global player. As the largest and most dynamic economic force in South America, Brazil’s continued progress is crucial to help to secure political and social stability within the Western Hemisphere. 

Active for 50 years, CEBRAP (Centro Brasileiro De Análise E Planejamento) stands out in the national scene with research projects, publications and seminars marked by a multidisciplinary approach, academic rigor and impact on public debates. CEBRAP carried out more than 500 research projects, worked with about 200 national and international partners and consolidated a position as a high-standard research center, reference in the production of frontier knowledge in the various human sciences, housing some of the country’s leading researchers and intellectuals and operating as a forum for debate on major national issues.

The Brazilian Institute of Economics (IBRE) was created in 1951. It is the unit of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) whose mission is to research, analyze, produce and disseminate macroeconomic statistics, as well as applied high quality economic research relevant to the improvement of public policies or private action in the Brazilian economy, stimulating the country’s economic development and social welfare.

A not-for-profit, nonpartisan organization, the Fundação FHC was created by Fernando Henrique Cardoso upon leaving the Presidency of the Republic. The purpose of the foundation is twofold: foster public debate and the production and dissemination of knowledge about the challenges of development and democracy in Brazil, in its relations with the world. Besides that, it preserves and makes available to the public the archives of Ruth and Fernando Henrique Cardoso and other public figures linked to the couple, in order to contribute to the research and dissemination of knowledge about Brazilian history.

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE is the main provider of data and information about the Country. Such information meets the demands of several types of segments of civil society, as well as the bodies at the federal, state and municipal level.